Car Accident Claims

Florida Car Accident Attorney

A car accident often leaves victims with serious physical and emotional injuries. In addition, the financial hardship that stems from a car accident can be extremely stressful for victims and their families. Recovering from a car accident can be difficult enough when the insurance company covers the expenses; however, when an insurance company denies a claim or delays payment, recovering from your injuries can become a seemingly impossible goal.

Often, the injured victim of a car accident does not know what steps to take following the accident nor who to contact for help. Hopefully, the following information will provide some guidance and assistance.

What Should I Do After a Car Accident?

No one expects to be involved in a car accident. Consequently, when one occurs, the victims often do not know what steps to take afterward. If you find yourself injured in a car accident, knowing what steps to take will help protect you and your financial interests.

  1. Seek medical attention. Always have a thorough medical examination done as soon as possible after a car accident even if you have no obvious injuries. Internal injuries and traumatic brain injuries often show no symptoms for hours, even days, after an accident. Follow up with any recommended treatment.
  2. Contact the police. Call the police to report the accident. State law may require you to do this, but it is also necessary to create an official record of the accident, which may be necessary if you file an insurance claim and/or end up in litigation.
  3. Document the accident. If possible, take pictures of the accident scene and the involved vehicles. Also, try and get contact information for the drivers involved in the crash as well as any witnesses. Request a copy of the police report and keep detailed records of all medical treatment you receive related to the accident.
  4. Contact your insurance company. Contact your own liability insurance carrier to report the accident as soon as possible after the crash. Be sure to follow up by submitting any documentation requested by the insurance carrier to support your claim.
  5. Obtain property damage estimates. Your insurance company may send out a representative to look at your vehicle and prepare a damage estimate. Nevertheless, you should get at least two additional estimates.

Do I Need a Florida Car Accident Insurance Claim Attorney?

Ideally, the insurance company responsible for covering your damages will pay your claim in full and in a timely manner. Unfortunately, insurance companies frequently try to avoid paying claims or offer to pay less than what the claim is worth. If that happens, you should consult with a Florida car accident insurance claim attorney.

An experienced attorney will review your insurance policy as well as investigate the damages caused by the accident and attempt to negotiate a full and fair settlement on your behalf. If a settlement is not possible, the attorney will litigate your claim in court to ensure that you receive everything you are entitled to for your injuries.

Will I Need to File a Lawsuit?

Most car accident claims do not result in litigation. However, if your insurance company or the at-fault driver’s insurance company refuses to honor a valid claim, it may be necessary to file a lawsuit.

An attorney will make sure the lawsuit is filed before the statute of limitations expires to ensure that your interests are protected. If the case cannot be resolved out of court, your attorney will advocate on your behalf to a judge or jury at trial to ensure that you receive the maximum amount possible for your claim.

How Much Will a Florida Car Accident Attorney Cost?

When an insurance company denies a claim or delays payment of a valid claim, victims often think they have no recourse because they cannot afford an attorney. In fact, insurance companies actually count on injured victims operating under this assumption.

The truth is, however, that a car accident attorney will not charge anything upfront. Instead, your attorney will only receive a fee after you receive a fair payment for your claim from the insurance company.

Where Can I Get Help with My Car Accident Claim?

If you were involved in a Florida car accident and the insurance company is refusing to pay your claim in full, we can help. Call us at 407-500-1000 or submit our online form today. One of our experienced Florida car accident insurance claim attorneys will explain your rights to you and discuss your legal options at no cost.
